Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today is Valentine's Day!

           In Cambodia, Valentine's Day is considered to be the special day upon which young, dating couples "consummate" their relationship.  (I'm not sure why I just put that in quotes, because that's exactly what it is they do.)  The problem however is that the desire to do so is not always mutual.  Cambodian women are expected to maintain their "Khmer status," aka virginity, until marriage.  Cambodian men, on the other hand, are not. This may just be a bogus statistic (but even if it's half true...), but I was once told that 70% of Cambodian men lose their virginity to a prostitute.  I don't think an explanation is necessary to describe how trouble arises.  It's on days like today.  Just like in the US, Valentine's Day here sets unrealistic standards for couples.  Although the day is only really 'celebrated' by the younger generation (age 14-23ish), its reputation is widely known.  The pressure upon young Cambodian women to have sex is extreme, and has caught the older generations' attention.  For the first time this year, the government has required guesthouses to forbid couples younger than 18 to book rooms on February 14th.  (Here is an article published today in the local newspaper detailing the decision: A Vigilant Valentine's)  And I say, well done government!  Keep my girls safe!  My Momma Bear Instinct (am I even allowed to have one?) has been running high lately..... 

In lighter news, here are tidbits of three conversations over the past 24 hours:

Harpswell Student:
"Gen, do you know what day tomorrow is?"
"Valentine's Day!"
"No, it's Tuesday.  Because you're single!"

IT-Support guy at iDE:
"Gen, receive roses today?"
[Laughs, walks away.]

Harpswell Student:
"Gen, how many roses did you get?"
"Oh.  Well how many did you get on Facebook?"

           All in all, I had a lovely Valentine's Day.  It was relatively cool (mid 80s), I had a productive day at iDE and there was a special treat at the dorm for all of us after dinner... COCA COLA!  (Big. Deal.) The girls each made one Valentine to be given in an exchange and mine reads:

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so you are!"

Love it.
